Major Glimpses of the Programmes Conducted by Different Wings
In-Service Programmes,Field Interactions,Innovations and Co-Ordinations
To assist educational authorities in planning and co-ordination of in-service education programmes for elementary teachers through-out district, and to plan and co-ordinate such programmes held in the DIET, pursuant to this the wing would :-
  • Identify training needs of elementary teachers in the district, and prepare a respective plan for meeting such needs.
  • Prepare a annual calender for all programmes to be held in the DIET.
  • Help concerned authorities in preparing an annual calender for in-service programmes to be held outside DIET.
  • Orientation programmes for resource persons who would conduct in-service programmes for teachers at other centres( i.e outside DIET ).
  • To evaluate and monitor the quality and efficacy of training programmes for their continuous improvement.
This wing also conducts the training programmes of SSA and RMSA viz.
  • Subject specific training for teachers / masters.
  • Training for Head of the Institution ( HOI ).
  • Training for Educational Administrators ( ZEOs ).
  • Training for SMDC members.
  • Book Fair under RMSA.
  • Science Exhibition under RMSA.
  • Training programmes for resource persons ( RPs ).
Pre - Service Teacher Education

The wing organises regular full time one year's D.E.Ed course. In addition to the usual class work. The PSTE wing of the institution demonstrated model lesson in all the disciplines taught at the elementary level for the D.E.Ed students.

  • To serve as the nodal branch for the following:
  • Organizing pre-service course for elementary school teachers and to provide academic inputs into such course is the subjects represented in the Branch.
  • Propagation of learner centered education and education for personality development through training, extension, preparation of suitable teaching aids, action researches etc.
  • To provide inputs into programmes/activities of all other branches of the Institute, to the extent of subjects/areas represented/handled in the Branch.
  • Promotion of and support to co-curricular activities in areas related to the substantive work of branch. e.g. debates, literature, Science Fairs, Visual and Performing Arts, Sports and Physical Education competitions etc.
District Resource Unit
Primary responsibility of unit is to assist in planning co-ordination and organisation of programme in SSA, RMSA, on continue basis and to evaluate and monitor the efficiency of such programs in order to successfully realize its goals. In addition to monitoring of the schools under SSA, RMSA, the wing has to conduct faculty development and capacity building.
Educational Technology

The branch plays a very vital role in effecting teaching learning process. The primary function of the wing is to develop different programmes of media intervention as an input for quality education. Prepare teaching learning material for both the pre-service and in-service teacher trainings. Provide training to teachers for using technology in the teacher training process and in use for electroning gadgets in enhancing the quality. Organisation of Science Seminar, Science Drama, Science Exhibition, Art Exhibition, Book Fairs and Inspire Awards, Training on ICT, Library and Lab. Assistant.

This branch also works in collaboration with concerned staff of the DIET and other resource persons, to develop simple, effective and low-cost teaching aids for various subjects/areas relevant to elementary education and elementary teacher education –charts, diagrams, models, photographs, slides, audio tapes, play scripts etc.

Curriculum Material Development and Evaluation
The role and responsibility of the wing is to develop curriculum and learning material for elementary level as per local needs, environment and circumstances and to develop evaluation tools, techniques, guidelines including achievement test, rating scales and observation schedules for continuous and summatic learning evaluation, execution and monitoring of MDM, menu for MDM and book review programmes. The main task of conduct of 8th class examination.
Work Experience / Education

This branch identifies the locally relevant work experience areas and work for their inclusion in the cirriculum of elementary schools. Making of candles, Chalk workshops on work experience subjects like toy making, candle making calligraphy competition, painting competition, soap making, book binding, Tie and Dye, food preservation, juice, pickles and other local crafts. Cleanliness of DIET complex, maintainance of furniture every month.

  • Activities of the Branch :
  • To identify areas and to develop WE activities.
  • To help the elementary teachers, Non-formal education, adult education, In-service teachers, pre-service teachers in planned introduction of work experience activities in such areas.
  • To organized activities for cleanliness, upkeep, and development of institute Campus, roads, playgrounds, lawns, gardens etc. and its surroundings, maintain of institute furniture and other properties.
  • To carry on Activities based on material prevailing in the school, and local surroundings.
P & M
Planning and Management

Planning and management has an extremely important role in the functioning, growth and development of the institution. This unit of DIET plays the role of a model agency for assessing planning of all the programmes organized in the whole year. Advising and meeting over the educational needs and aspiration of the disrtict to realize the ends of quality education. The top priority of the aim is to provide technical assistance in areas like school mapping, micro planning for the institution and providing training to the heads of the institution in planning and management in the maintenance of records and accounts.